Buying a property with another person is a serious commitment. Even more so if a loan is taken out to buy the property. Co-owners are usually jointly and separately responsible for that loan, which may prevent them from moving on and buying another property. So how do you start and end a co-owned property arrangement? Continue reading “Jointly or Co-owned Property Arrangements—How to Start and How to End Them”
Category: Disputes
Property Line Disputes: Tree Disputes Between Neighbours
Property disputes between neighbours over trees tend to come up when: branches overhang a neighbouring property; leaves and rotten fruit fall into a neighbouring property from a neighbour’s tree; or trees are growing too close to the fence line and damage the dividing fence and or the retaining wall.Each state in Australia has its own process for resolving these disputes. Western Australia has does not.
Continue reading “Property Line Disputes: Tree Disputes Between Neighbours”