How We Do It
Get trusted legal advice | protect your interests | KLD Legal
We seek to provide practical legal advice and to pursue our client’s interests by:
Being excellent lawyers.
We know that it is a privilege to be a trusted adviser and strive to repay that privilege by being technically excellent lawyers who provide great service to our clients.
Representing you with zeal and enthusiasm.
We take a determined and focused approach to resolving your legal problems and protecting your interests as speedily and cost efficiently as possible. We are professionals first and foremost and our loyalty to our clients is second only to the administration of justice.
Being transparent.
Solicitors are required by law to give cost estimates for any charges over $1,500.00 plus GST. We will talk openly with you about our estimated costs and will stick to those estimates or inform you that further costs will be incurred before incurring those costs.
Being relevant.
We adopt the most direct approach to resolving your legal problems and protecting your interests and will start trying to resolve your dispute as soon as it is appropriate to do so.